All Saints
Saturday, 20 February 2016 in 46m (14–3–3 in F♯)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Sally Griggs
2 Judith Williamson
3 Maryan Jenner
4 Robert Wellen
5 Malcolm Penney (C)
Dedicated to the memory of Private Sidney George Oates (Dorsetshire Regiment 7th Bn), a ringer at Buckhorn Weston and a member of the Salisbury DG, who died one hundred years ago today, aged 21. Son of John Oates of Odcombe, Yeovil, he is buried in Buckhorn Weston churchyard. This quarter was rung at nearby Kington Magna as Buckhorn Weston bells are unringable.
Church Bellhangers of Distinction