St John the Evangelist
Friday, 8 April 2005 in 2h 49 (7)
5040 Spliced Delight Minor (35m)
(1-2 & 5-6) Burnaby, Burslem, Clarence, Elston, Evesham, Fountains, Glastonbury, Kirkstall, London Victory, Melrose, Sherborne, Tewkesbury, Tintern, Waltham (3-4) Abbeyville, Bedford, Braintree, Canterbury, Charlwood, College Bob IV, Combermere, Crowland, Humber, Marple, Merton, Neasden, Newdigate, Old Oxford, St Albans, St Werburgh, Southwark, Taxal, Vale Royal, Willesden, Wragby (7) Burslem, Waltham
Composed by (1-6) J S Warboys
1 Beryl R Norris
2 Benjamin J Carey
3 Colin M Parker
4 Martin J Turner
5 Benjamin J Willetts
6 Oliver R Hall (C)
Rung half-muffled in memory of Pope John Paul II on the morning of his funeral
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