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St John the Evangelist Wednesday, 6 April 2005 in 2h 44 (7) 5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (41m) (1,2) Alnwick, Berwick, Beverley, Bourne, Cambridge, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chester, Durham, Hexham, Hull, Ipswich, Morpeth, Munden, Newcastle, Norfolk, Northumberland, Primrose, Sandiacre, Surfleet, Whitley, Wooler, York (3,4,5) Allendale, Bacup, Bamborough, Coldstream, Cunecastre, Kelso, Lightfoot, Lincoln, London, Netherseale, Norwich, Rossendale, Stamford, Wearmouth, Wells, Westminster (6,7) Annable's London, Bamborough, Beverley, Cambridge, Netherseale, Surfleet, Warkworth Composed by John S Warboys & Philip A B Saddleton 1 Jackie Roberts 2 Kate L Langley 3 Benjamin J Willetts 4 Martin J Turner 5 Benjamin J Carey 6 Oliver R Hall (C) Rung in memory of Frank Jobson, Grandfather of Kate Langley, who died on 19th March | |
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