St Bene't's
Sunday, 23 March 2003 in 3h 5 (13–3–3)
5040 Plain Minor (6m)
(1) Double Dunkirk Bob (2,3) Double Cambridge Cyclic Bob (4) Double Bob (5) Double Canterbury Pleasure Bob (6) Double Court Bob (7) Double Oxford Bob
1 Philip J Earis (Clare)
2 Richard A Smith (Clare)
3 Andrew J W Tibbetts (St Catharine's) (C)
4 Steve M Jones (Darwin)
5 J Robert Johnson (Clare)
6 Jonathan C Hetherington (Homerton)
22nd birthday compliment to Claire L Thomson (Girton).
Rung for the first time:
Double Dunkirk Bob 36.14x36.14.36 le 14 = 135642
Double Cambridge Cyclic Bob x14x16x56x36x16x12 = 134562
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