Warwick University Society
St John Bapt
Sunday, 27 February 2005 in 2h 35 (6–2–3)
5040 Doubles
10m: (1-3) Stedman, (4-5) 240 Grandsire; (6) Grandsire; (7-9) Evening Star P; (10-12) All Saints P; (13-16) Reverse Canterbury P; (17-20) St Nicholas B; (21-26) 720 Winchendon P; (27-30) St Simons B; (31-36) 720 St Martins B; (37-42) 720 Plain B;
Composed by AJ Pitman (240), PM Mason (720s)
1 Anne F Johnson
2 Loren F Clifton
3 Paul M Mason
4 Andrew P Digby
5 Graham R Hayward (C)
6 Charlie P Care
First peal: 1, 6
First Doubles: 2
Rung as a birthday compliment to the Society during the WUBRS 10th Anniversary Dinner Weekend
This peal included a first peal ringer on bells 1 and 6.
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