All Saints
Sunday, 2 February 2025 in 3h 15 (18–3–27 in E♭)
5042 Spliced Cinques and Maximus (3m/p)
3 methods: 2784 Stedman Cinques; 1154 Orion Surprise Maximus; 1104 Bristol Surprise Maximus; 16 com.
1 Shirley E McGill
2 Catherine E Morley
3 David C Bath
4 Benjamin D Constant
5 Catherine N Merlane
6 Evie Newton
7 Jack E Page (C)
8 Samuel C Cave
9 Daniel J Page
10 Ian Roulstone
11 Alan Regin
12 Claire F Roulstone
1000th tower bell peal: 7.
The oldest Bellhanging Company in the UK combining Modern Technology with Traditional Craftsmanship