St Mark
Sunday, 27 October 2024 in 49m (11 in G)
1312 Spliced Surprise Major (4m)
416 Superlative; 384 Yorkshire; 288 Cambridge; 224 Bristol; 32 com.
1 Cynthia E Howell
2 Maureen Edwards
3 Timothy R Forster
4 Cheryl A Watson
5 Richard L Thumwood
6 Daniel J Watson
7 Mark Edwards
8 Simon W Edwards (C)
Arranged and rung by a band of regular ringers at St Mark to celebrate the marriage yesterday of Alan Eyles to Katherine Stonham.

This performance is linked to the events: Katherine and Alan's Wedding and Gloucester & Bristol Diocesan Association — Peal & Quarter Peal Month incorporating Firsts Fortnight