St John the Baptist
Tuesday, 3 September 2024 in 2h 53 (10–3–22 in F)
5040 Treble Dodging Minor (7m)
1 extent each of London Scholars' Pleasure TB, Fryerning S, Annable's London S, Bourne S, Ipswich S, Norwich S, Cambridge S
1 James L Towler
2 Ian J Culham
3 Timothy P Hart
4 David L Sparling
5 Simon A Rudd (C)
6 Colin F Chapman
Remembering Evelyn Reeve of Wormingford, whose funeral took place today.
Simon has now rung a peal at every ringable tower in the District of the Essex Association (NE) in which he was born.

This performance was rung In memoriam — Evelyn RM Reeve