St Mary Magdalene
Monday, 16 February 1987 in 2h 37 (8–1–27 in G♯)
5040 Doubles (5m)
(2 extents Rev. Canterbury Pleasure; 10 each St. Simon's, St. Martin's, Plain Bob, Grandsire)
1 John W Hope
2 A Harold Fitter
3 Laurence T Mainwaring
4 Frederick R Harris
5 John C Eisel (C)
6 Leslie Evans
Completes circle: 6
Half-muffled in memoriam Robert A Hatcher by six out of his many friends The band included three of the band who rang in the long peal of Doubles at Eardisley in 1974 (John Hope, Fred Harris and John Eisel). Bob rang in that peal, and another member of the band was the late Austin Wingate: Norman Mattingley was the sixth member but was unable to ring in this memorial peal.
Foolish Youths and Substantial Rewards