St Nicolas
Thursday, 13 June 2024 in 38m (3–3–9 in D)
1260 Doubles (7m/v/p)
60 Stedman, 240 Plain Bob, 120 St. Simons, 120 St. Martin's, 240 Grandsire, 120 Reverse Canterbury, 120 Plain Bob, 240 April Day
1 Samuel M Senior (C)
2 Henry R Morley (C)
3 Thomas G Wilding (C)
4 Philippa Garraway (C)
5 Luke Brooke (C)
First Quarter as part conductor 2-5. Last quarter as a current member, with thanks from the Guild (presumably) 5.
Rung by a band of past, present, and future masters.
The Sharpe Trust