St Helen
Saturday, 1 June 2024 in 46m (23–2–6)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
(being: 9 exts & 180.)
1 Jeff Couzens
2 Alison Chester-Thompson
3 Rowan Booth
4 David Hamlin
5 Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
6 Richard Johnson
Rung by a local band, all being regular members of the Wednesday Practice Nights, and specially arranged so that Rowan our Tower Captain could ring her first quarter peal inside - Well Done Rowan! (This quarter was originally arranged for March 2020 but got cancelled when we went into lockdown, so unfinished business put right at long last!)
Dedicated to Rowan's mother, Lola Seton Marsden (nee Walker) Leading Wren, for her upcoming 100th birthday (19th July 2024) and to Rowan's nephew, Thomas Alexander Marsden, on the occasion of his 21st birthday (2nd June 2024) whilst studying Physics at Oxford University.

This performance is linked to the event Lincoln Diocesan Guild — 125th ANNIVERSARY YEAR-125 "FIRSTS"

Foolish Youths and Substantial Rewards