St Mary Magdalene
Tuesday, 3 January 1956 in 2h 45 (8–1–27 in G♯)
5040 Minor (21m)
(Being seven extents in 21 methods: (1) Oxford, Kingston, London Scholars’ Pleasure, College Exercise and Capel Treble Bob, (2) Double Oxford, Thelwall, St. Clement’s and Childwall, (3) Oxford Bob and Hereward, (4) Double Court and Single Court, (5) Plain, Double, Reverse, Fulbeck and Canterbury, (6 ) Cambridge and Primrose Surprise, (7) Kent Treble Bob.)
1 Leslie Evans
2 Philip G Morgan
3 William E Thompsett
4 Wilfred F Moreton (C)
5 Austin T Wingate
6 Reginald T Jones
First peal in 21 methods - 2, 3, 5, and 6.
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