Clock House Bells
Sunday, 3 December 2023 in 2h 36 (3–1–2 in E)
5040 Plain Bob Triples
1 Philippa Garraway (20)
2 Andrew J Dodd (30)
3 Jessica Hornsby (40)
4 Margaret J Smith (50)
5 Janet L Morris (60)
6 Roy LeMarechal (70) (C)
7 Christopher H Rogers (80)
8 William A Harris (90)
First peal - 1.
A "Decades" peal rung as a birthday compliment to the members of the band who each celebrated their birthday as indicated.
Part 1 of 2.
This peal included a first peal ringer on bell 1.
If this was you, claim your free copy of The Ringing World.
The Sharpe Trust