Bromley, Kent
19b College Road
Saturday, 18 November 2023 in 1h 58 (9)
5040 Surprise Minor (20m)
1) Kelso; 2) Cunecastre, London, Wells; 3) Coldstream, Lincoln; 4) and 5) Beverley, Berwick, Bourne, Cambridge, Durham, Hexham, Hull, Ipswich, Norfolk, Primrose, Surfleet, York; 6) Netherseale; 7) Norwich
1–2 James S Croft
3–4 David G Maynard
5–6 Thomas J Hinks (C)
Rung in fond memory of Michael P Moreton.
Completes all 366 dates of the calendar year to peals: 1-2.

This performance was rung In memoriam — Michael P Moreton

Foolish Youths and Substantial Rewards