St Giles
Saturday, 18 February 2023 in 2h 58 (8–0–26 in A♭)
5040 Grandsire Triples
1 Simon Kemp (C)
2 Susan M O'Neill
3 Thirza R de Kok
4 Emily J Mills
5 Finley M H Kemp
6 Michael J Dew
7 Andrew B Mills
8 H Geoffrey Wells
1st peal at 1st attempt (age 12) 5. 1st in method 3. 1st in method as conductor. Helen Kemp, Michael A Young Sharon Male and Chris Woodcock would like to be associated with this peal. For the Rambling Ringers Annual Dinner. LMSCR 1st of 2023 #12.

This performance is linked to the event LMSCR Firsts of 2023

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