Cathedral Church of Christ
Thursday, 24 August 2023 in 52m (31–0–23 in D)
1299 Stedman Cinques
Composed by ROH
1 Alan M Eyles
2 Michele Winter
3 David L Thomas
4 Isobel L Fray
5 Joanna E Cresshull
6 Simon A Bond
7 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
8 Dorothy G Hall
9 Jonathan C Mills
10 Hazel M Rothera
11 Robin O Hall
12 Sara Jones
In memory of James Dyer, sometime member of the Cathedral Choir and Cathedral Singers, and Jim Godfrey, verger 1988-2023.
Circled the tower: 1, 5
Smallest person, biggest job, first on twelve: 12

This performance was rung In memoriam — James Dyer

Avon Ropes