Magdalen College
Friday, 18 August 2023 in 53m (17–1–7 in E)
1313 Grandsire Caters
1 Sheila M Cheesman
2 Luke D Perkins
3 Simon A Bond (C)
4 Rachel E Prior
5 David P Sworder
6 Helen Porter
7 Jeremy D Cheesman
8 Christopher I Griggs
9 D Robert C Sworder
10 Adrian P Sweeting
100th quarter: 4.
500th quarter: 9.
300th as conductor.
A compliment to Rachel Prior and Robert Sworder, due to be married in Magdalen College Chapel tomorrow.
Christine Sworder, who joined us for some rounds before the quarter, wishes to be associate with this performance.

This performance is linked to the event Rachel and Robert get married!

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