St Helen
Sunday, 2 July 2023 in 20m (23–2–6)
Plain Bob Doubles and Call Changes
Jeff Couzens
Alison Chester-Thompson
Rowan Booth (C)
David Hamlin
Paul Sharp
Andrew Noblet
Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
Rung marking the 400th anniversary of the death of William Byrd one of the greatest English composers. Byrd was Organist and Master of the Choristers at Lincoln Cathedral from 1563 to 1572.
Rung before the first of two concerts being held here at the Church this afternoon by the renowned Tallis Scholars, part of the counties celebrations of the life and works of Byrd this weekend focused around Lincoln.
The bells were rung as the coaches bringing the audience from Lincoln to the concert arrived.
The ringers were treated to attending the concert and enjoying the spectacular singing in this magnificent Church.
(No. 1 of 2)
AbelSim Ringing Simulators