All Saints
Friday, 16 June 2023 in 46m (9–2–15 in G♯)
1260 Grandsire Triples
1 Philippa Garraway
2 Elizabeth C Lancaster
3 Ollie Watson
4 Jill Garraway
5 Gordon J Upton
6 Robert V Huxley
7 Richard A Hutchings (C)
8 David F Perkins
Rung open following a Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Clare Rebecca Clark, a ringer at this church since 1992.The following ringers took part in a touch of 120 Grandsire Doubles but not in the Quarter Peal: Jacqui Allen; Patsy Chick; Arabella Beresford-Mitchell and Michael Peace. In addition Rachel Edwards and Vanessa Mitchell were unable to ring at this time.