St Peter and St Paul
Friday, 9 April 2004 in 2h 31 (8–2–2 in B♭)
5040 Minor (36m)
1 Morpeth S 2 Princess of Wales, Norwich S 3 Ipswich, Cambridge S 4 Cambridge, Beverley, Surfleet 5 Double Oxford, Super Court, Baltasound, Winchester College, Webbs Wonder, Edge Hill, Orkney, Hayling Island, Pinehurst, Huna, Thelwall, Culduthel, Christchurch, Corse, Hall Road 6 St Clements, St Nicholas College, Childwall, Hetherslade, Lakesend, Norfolk Punch, Buxton, Gower, Armitage isthe Name, Ribchester 7 Plain B, Single Wreford, S Canterbury Pleasure, Single Cumbria Pl
1 Anne Carpenter
2 Carol A Girlng
3 Cherril C Thompson
4 Adrian G Peacock
5 Winston S Girling
6 Jeremy W Spiller (C)