St Nicholas, Marston
Monday, 19 April 1965 in 2h 24 (5–0–19 in C)
5040 Doubles (13v)
One extent each of Leigh, Dee, Severn, Kennet, Ray, two of Isis, and five each of Derwent, Windrush, Avon, Thames, Welland, Trent, Frome.
1 Ian A Ross
2 Roy H Jones
3 Leonard R Porter
4 Noel D Deam (C)
5 Alec Gammon
First peal: 1.
First peal in these methods for all the band and the Guild.
Rung as a wedding compliment to Miss Christine Hammond and Mr. Royston Martin.
This peal included a first peal ringer on bell 1.
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