St Andrew's
Friday, 14 April 2023 in 2h 32 (6–3–24)
5040 Minor (5m)
(Being: 1. Bourne S; 2. Cambridge S; 3. Oxford TB; 4. Plain B; 5. Norwich S; 6. Cambridge S; 7. Plain B.)
1 Jane A Aked
2 George A Dawson
3 Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
4 Lynda M Lazzerini
5 Paul Sharp
6 Philip R Wild
Rung during the octave of Easter to celebrate the Great Feast of Easter - the resurrection of Christ.
Rung with the sound control open so the bells could be heard in all their full might and glory, after being fully muffled through out the whole of Lent.
Rung also to celebrate the life of Colin Reed of Balderton, who’s funeral takes place this afternoon, our thoughts are with his wife Beryl.
Birthday compliment today to the conductor and welcome return to conducting peals again after a period of ill health.
125th peal together: 1 & 3 and 2 & 3.

This performance was rung In memoriam — Colin Reed