St Edmund King and Martyr
Sunday, 19 March 2023 in 45m (7–0–5 in B)
1260 Doubles (3m)
[300 Stedman, 480 Grandsire & 480 Plain Bob]
1 Jennie Kimberley
2 Rosemary J Humphrey
3 Steve Bowley
4 Rachel D Page
5 Roger Hunt (C)
6 Barry D Humphrey
Rung on Mothering Sunday by past Southern Branch officers and committee members in affectionate memory of Madeline Reeder who served this branch so diligently as Branch Secretary (1999-2014).
Thelma James, who listened throughout, is associated with this quarter peal.

This performance was rung In memoriam — Madeline Reeder

Big Wilf's Bell Muffles