St Andrew
Sunday, 12 March 2023 in 45m (13–0–19 in F)
1280 Cambridge Surprise Major
1 Andrew P Brewster
2 Christina D A Brewster
3 Hazel S Steed
4 Yvonne A Towler
5 Vicki L Chapman
6 James L Towler
7 David M Hengeli
8 Colin F Chapman (C)
Rung in memory of Peter Childs (1931-2023) by past and present South-Eastern District Officers. Peter rang at Boreham all his ringing life, had been tower captain there 1969-2015 and District Master for the South-Eastern District 1981-86 and 2007-08 and had been elected a Life Member of the Association in 1995.

This performance was rung In memoriam — Peter Childs
