St Mary and St Michael
Thursday, 19 January 2023 (10–3–2 in F♯)
480 Grandsire Doubles
2 x 240 (B.Price No1)
1 G Mary Coe
2 David Thurlow
3 Guy Nelson
4 Kay Lucas
5 Neil V Avis (C)
6 Martin C Jones
Remembering Ronald Blythe CBE on the eve of his funeral at Wormingford, aged 100 years.
Author, lay reader in the Church of England, former lay canon at Saint Edmundsbury Cathedral, fellow of the Royal Society of Literature.
He was an honorary member of the Essex Association of Change Ringers. Well known and respected throughout the country.
Pam Avis would like to be associated with this ringing, having stood down to let others ring.
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