St Agatha
Friday, 9 December 2022 in 2h 42 (3–0–1 in F)
5088 Ebenezer Delight Major
1 Katharine J Firman
2 R Mark Esbester
3 Benjamin J Carey
4 Graham G Firman
5 Graham A Nobbs
6 Stephen S Russ
7 Peter W J Sheppard (C)
8 Ewan Grant-Richardson
Method rung for the first time. Ebenezer Delight Major, -38-14-56.12.36-14-18-1236-18;12
Rung only a few hundred yards from the house where Charles Dickens was born, "God bless us, Every one!"
The oldest Bellhanging Company in the UK combining Modern Technology with Traditional Craftsmanship