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St Nicolas Saturday, 19 November 2022 in 46m (10–1–16 in G) 1272 Doubles (4m) 72 Cloister Little Bob; 360 each of Grandsire, Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place; 480 Plain Bob 1 Debbie J Phipps 2 Jack R Pease (C) 3 Steve J Lamb 4 Jane Pridmore 5 Angie M E Jasper 6 Gareth S Down Rung on the back six half muffled in memory of Richard Glen Weaver (1972-2022), uncle of the conductor, who passed away on September 15th 2022 and whose funeral was held last week at the nearby Wessex Vale Crematorium. Richard is survived by his sister Jennie Pease and parents Bob and Sal Weaver, all of whom listened to the quarter peal; Jennie also rang with the band afterwards. All of the band have in someway contributed to the development of Jack and Jennie's ringing. Andy Waring and Mick Howes are to be associated with this quarter, both of whom have supported this attempt but were unable to ring. 5 people like this
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