St John the Evangelist
Saturday, 8 October 2022 (8–2–7 in A)
1260 Doubles (3m)
(1-3) Grandsire (4-6) Reverse Canterbury Pleasure P (7) Plain B (8-10) 360 Plain B + 60 Plain B
1 Zena Robertson
2 Andrew Groves
3 Patricia A Donnelly
4 Mark Giddings
5 Barry F Peachey (C)
6 Paul D Wilkinson
Rung in thanksgiving for the life of former local band and Barrow & District Society member Caroline Ballard, wife of the Ven Andrew Ballard, former Archdeacon of Manchester, now of Harpenden, Hertfordshire. Caroline's funeral took place on 6th October at Harpenden.