Appleton Society
St Laurence
Saturday, 23 April 2022 in 2h 58 (13–0–10 in E)
5100 Stedman Caters
Composed by John Pladdys
1 Richard L Thumwood
2 John Pladdys (C)
3 Simon L Edwards
4 Michele Winter
5 Sarah B Ewbank
6 Timothy G Pett
7 Stephen H Stanford
8 Simon W Edwards
9 Simon A Bond
10 Simon D G Webb
Arranged and rung to mark the centenary of the then-record length peal of Stedman Caters (21,363 changes), rung in this tower on 22 April 1922. This has since been surpassed twice; once at Appleton and then at Edenham.
Circled Tower: 1
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