Heath, Cardiff
33 St Malo Road
Sunday, 7 February 2021 in 1h 52 (8 in C)
5040 Minor (3m)
Two extents each Kent Treble Bob and Oxford Treble Bob and three extents Plain Bob.
1–2 Debbie J Turner
3–4 Matthew S Turner (C)
5–6 Adam M Turner
First peal at first attempt: 5-6 (aged 14)
Rung as a 70th birthday compliment to Perry Turner, father of 3-4 and grandfather of 5-6.
Rung on the Llandaff and Monmouth Association bells and the first peal on the bells following refurbishment.
Couch to 5k complete!
This peal included a first peal ringer on bells 5 and 6

This performance is linked to the event Couch to 5k

Foolish Youths and Substantial Rewards