St Mary
Monday, 29 December 1980 in 2h 50 (16 in F)
5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (34m)
(1,2) Carlisle, Northumberland, Sandiacre, Whitley, Wooler, Alnwick, Newcastle, Canterbury, Morpeth, Chester, Munden (3) Westminster, Allendale (4) Lightfoot, Wearmouth, Rossendale, Annable's London, Stamford, Netherseale (5) London, Wells, Cunecastre (6) Beverley, Berwick, Sufleet, Durham, York, Hexham (7) Cambridge, Norfolk, Ipswich, Hull, Primrose, Bourne
1 Simon WM Thorpe
2 John R Martin
3 Tim J Peverett
4 Nicholas Doyle
5 John G Harpole
6 Adrian C Malton (C)
Most methods - 3,4
The oldest Bellhanging Company in the UK combining Modern Technology with Traditional Craftsmanship