St Mary Magdalene
Sunday, 11 August 1974 in 7h 22 (8–1–27 in G♯)
15000 Doubles (10m)
12 extents each Stedman, Grandsire, St Simon's, St Martin's, St Osmund, St Nicholas, Winchendon Place, St Remigius, Rev Canterbury; 17 extents Plain Bob.
1 Robert A Hatcher
2 Frederick R Harris
3 Austin T Wingate
4 Norman R Mattingley
5 John C Eisel (C)
6 John W Hope
First long length: 1, 2, 6. Most Doubles methods inside: 3. Most Doubles methods: 4.
Longest peal rung by all except the conductor. The longest length of Doubles yet rung.
Sponsored peal in aid of the Church Roof Fund.
Umpire: Ian M Holland.
RW 1974.0803
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