St Helen
Saturday, 16 May 1992 in 3h 12 (14–0–22 in F)
5056 Spliced Surprise Major (10m)
608 London; 576 Rutland, Superlative, Yorkshire; 544 Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Pudsey; 480 Glasgow; 320 Belfast; 288 Bristol; 127 com; atw.
Composed by G A C John
1 Dorothea M Robotham
2 Frederick W Ellis
3 S Kathleen M Baldwin
4 Graham R D Lay
5 Frank T Blagrove
6 John R Southey
7 Robert A Patridge
8 John R Mayne (C)
To celebrate the appointment of Rev. Tom Purchas, Rector of Wheathampstead, as Rural Dean.
The oldest Bellhanging Company in the UK combining Modern Technology with Traditional Craftsmanship