Abbey Church of St Andrew
Saturday, 21 April 2012 in 46m (7 cwt)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Mike Gentle
2 Brenda Donaldson
3 Revd Janet Donaldson
4 Hilary Gentle
5 Alistair Donaldson (C)
6 Graham Hardy (1st QP)
Rung on Deepings Spring QP day and to wish HM The Queen a Very Happy 86th Birthday this day.
1st QP Graham Hardy; 1st QP in method Brenda Donaldson & Hilary Gentle.
Also rung in memory of Julian Morley, ringer at St Peter's Bexhill and friend of 6th, who died 16th April.
Big Wilf's Bell Muffles