St Nicholas
Friday, 7 February 2003 in 2h 49 (6)
5040 Doubles (7m)
(7m: (1-6) 3x240 Strixton B; (7-12) 3x240 Knuston B; (13-18) 720 Great Doddington B; (19-24) 720 Wellingborough B; (25-30) 720 Westminster II B; (31-36) 720 New B; (37-42) 720 Shipway P)
Composed by Paul M Mason
1 Robin H Rogers
2 Sally A Mason
3 M J 'Bill' Blowfield
4 Paul M Mason (C)
5 Victoria Samson
Dedicated to the life & work of Rex Line of Bozeat, past chairman of the Wellingborough Branch.
Strixton Bob Doubles: 14253 (cc 989)
Knuston Bob Doubles: 14253 (cc 1100)
Foolish Youths and Substantial Rewards