Alresford School of Bell Ringing
St John the Baptist
Thursday, 23 January 2020 (15–3–18 in E)
168 Stedman Triples
1 Sue Smith
2 Wendy M Ling
3 Elizabeth Johnson
4 Andrew G Booth
5 Jinny Kufluk
6 Rodney Skinner
7 Roger G Booth (C)
8 Nathan Smith
Compliment to Andrew Johnson of the local band, 25 years after the first performance of his joint peal composition Stedman Triples using common bobs only. This was first rung at St John's Waterloo on 22 January 1995. This touch was rung as part of a special Stedman Triples & Cambridge Major practice. Andrew was unable to ring as he is currently recovering from a short spell in hospital.
ODG Open Day