St Mark
Friday, 7 June 2019 in 3h 7 (24–0–7 in D)
5040 Darlington Delight Royal
Composed by A G Reading
1 Anne C Orme
2 Raymond A Hutchings
3 Jane Owen
4 Carol A Marchbank
5 Gail L Randall
6 Peter C Randall (C)
7 Peter H Gardner
8 Brian J Owen
9 James E Andrews
10 Trevor W Marchbank
First peal in the method.
Darlington Delight Royal: c1 -3-4-2-6-34-5-4-1-34-9
Rung in memory of Andrew Darlington, tower captain here for many years, who died on 26th April 2019. With grateful thanks for his assistance with this peal band over a long period.