St Mary Magdalene
Sunday, 11 November 2018
Rounds, Call Changes and Methods
Ringing for the Centenary of the end of World War I.
11th November. Ringing in remembrance of the fallen, and to celebrate the peace.
These Reigate ringers : David Gilmore, Sarah Gilmore, Angela Salmon, Chris Burgess, Derek Cork, Nikki Weeds, John Squirrell, Andrew Hamilton, Max Granger, Anne Wood, Mark Thurgood, Ed Stonard, and John Humphreys, with these visiting ringers : Roger Grieve, Julien Hollingsworth, Hugh Frayling, Tina Davies, Mark Davies, and Mark Patton, rang variously on Remembrance Sunday. Half-muffled from 9:45 for the 10:30 service. Open ringing at 12:30, and again, open ringing from 4:30 for the 5:15 Choral Evensong.