St Peter and St Paul
Thursday, 8 November 2018 (16–0–14 in E)
320 Original Major
Whole pull plain hunt half muffled rung prior to a concert 'When The Guns Fell Silent'
1 Nicola Hardwick
2 Hazel M Jones
3 Eileen Drabble
4 Annetta Ives
5 Matthew Rolfe
6 Gary Daynes
7 Gavin J Donnelly
8 Don Jones (C)
The ringing finished with rounds reducing by one bell to the tenor making 100 whole pulls and standing as the concert commenced with 'Kyrie' from 'Mass in Time of War' (Haydn) as the first piece of the concert.

This performance is linked to the event Ringing for the Centenary of the WWI Armistice

Church Bellhangers of Distinction