The St Lawrence’s Society of Change Ringers
St Lawrence
Thursday, 19 March 1863 in 3h 7 (20 cwt)
5040 Grandsire Triples
Composed by Solomon Biddlestone
1 Thomas Wilkes
2 James Bruerton
3 Isaac Henness
4 George Ashmore
5 James Bowker (C)
6 Joseph Wilkes
7 Josiah Simkin
8 John Cooper

(From research carried out by John Eisel):

Birmingham Daily Post, Wed. 25 March 1863; also Staffordshire Advertiser, Sat. 28 March 1863.

On Thursday evening eight of the St. Lawrence’s Society of Change Ringers ascended the tower of that church and rang a “true and complete muffled peal of Grandsire Triples,” consisting of 5,040 changes in three hours and seven minutes. The peal contained 182 bobs and 58 singles. It was rung on the occasion of the death of the late Mr. James Jones, who was formerly a member of the above society. The peal was composed by Mr. Solomon Biddleston, of West Bromwich, and conducted by Mr. James Bower, of Darlaston.

Also Bell’s Life in London, Sun. 29 March 1863; but with 178 bobs and 62 singles (i.e. not Biddlestone’s 12-part)

Church Bellhangers of Distinction