St Mary
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 in 3h (20–1–16 in E♭)
5039 Grandsire Caters
Composed by A M Tyler
1 Martin G Tubbs
2 Gerald A Bacon
3 Anne E Deebank
4 Stephen J Hall
5 Martin R Hall
6 Michael J Pickup
7 Robert H Jordan
8 Malcolm S Turner
9 Neil Donovan (C)
10 Robert M Wood
In memory of Corporal Alfred Rayner (22), West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own), 1st/8th Battalion. He was a ringer at this church and was killed in action on 29th August 1918 in the second battle of the Somme. He is commemorated at Vis-en-Artois Memorial, France. He has no known grave.
First on ten - 1
AbelSim Ringing Simulators