St Jude
Thursday, 13 July 2017 in 2h 51 (6–0–25 in D♭)
5104 Armitage-Is-The-Name Bob Major
Composed by Robert T Kakuk
1 E Ann Williams
2 Christine B J de Cordova
3 Andrea N Gilbert
4 Raymond A Hutchings
5 Andrew J Holland
6 L Martin Daniels
7 Kevin M Price (C)
8 Andrew W Gordon
This peal was specially arranged and rung in memory of Geoffrey D Armitage (01/01/1943 to 20/12/2016) of Husbands Bosworth, one of the 'characters' of the Exercise, and greatly missed. The ringer of 3 was taught to ring by Geoff.
First peal in the method by all, except 5,6,7
First peal together for 36 years 3, with 5 and 6
First peal together for 35 years 3 and 7
Jane Holland and Jonathan K F Tait, who were unable to ring, would like to be associated with this peal.
Foolish Youths and Substantial Rewards