St Mary-le-Bow
Tuesday, 13 August 2013 in 61m (41–3–21)
1388 Spliced Maximus (7m)
288 each Ariel S, Phobos S, Zanussi S; 240 Maypole A; 216 Deimos A; 48 Slinky Differential Little TP; 20 Walt Disney Cyclic Differential; 30 changes of method
Composed by DJP arr M Mouse
1 Charles W G Herriott
2 Paul N Mounsey
3 Gwen Rogers
4 John N Hughes-D'Aeth (C)
5 James H Foster
6 Simon A Bond
7 Jonathan H Potter
8 David E House
9 Neil Buswell
10 Luke T W Smith
11 Philip Rogers
12 Paul L Carless
Church Bellhangers of Distinction