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Abbey Ch of St Andrew Monday, 3 September 2007 in 2h 40 (8) 5040 Surprise Minor (7m) (1) Bourne, Cambridge, Hull,Ipswich, Norfolk, Primrose (2) Cambridge, Ipswich (3) Primrose (4) Durham (5) Bourne (6) Ipswich (7) Cambridge 1 Andrew J Davey 2 Lois M Webb 3 Terence Maddison 4 Mark H Mumby 5 Emma J Southerington 6 Ian Dawson (C) Rung to mark the 5th anniversary of the 'Irnham Ringers' first handling lessons. Terry and Lois taught a band at Irnham, which included the conductor and subsequently led on to the bells augmentation and restoration. Most methods as conductor | |
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