St Chad
Friday, 17 October 2014 in 2h 43 (9 Cwt)
5040 Minor (5m)
(1) Blaxhall TP (2-3) 1440 Barrow-upon-Humber TP (4-5) 1440 Ash-bashers TP (6) Kent TB (7) Plain Bob
1 Peter J Cook
2 Patricia A Donnelly
3 Colin Aked
4 Philip H Dawson
5 Christopher C P Woodcock
6 Barry F Peachey (C)
Most Minor methods 'inside' to a Peal - 2. 25th Peal together - 1, 6. 1st Peal for the Society - 4. Rung with the best wishes of the band to the local Tower Captain John Bundy who is currently undergoing medical treatment. Ash-bashers Treble Place Minor is now rung for the first time.
Ash-bashers Treble Place:
34- le 16