All Saints
Sunday, 14 July 2013 in 2h 56 (12–3–11)
5040 Surprise Minor (12m)
(12 methods; being: 1. Cunecastre, 2. Cambridge & King Edward, 3. London & Wells, 4. Beverley & Surfleet, 5. Durham & York, 6. Caithness & Bourne, 7. Annable’s London, - each called differently.)
1 Gwynneth C Moffatt
2 Helen J Audley
3 Christopher C P Woodcock (C)
4 Gary J Audley
5 F Neville Pailing
6 Robert H Jordan
Rung to mark the first anniversary of the augmentation and rehanging of these bells.
Most Surprise Minor methods to a peal: 2.