St Michael the Archangel
Sunday, 12 June 2011 in 2h 53 (11)
5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Composed by K W Scudamore
1 W Bro Stephen A Waters
2 W Bro Ian P Hill
3 Bro Charles M S Botting
4 Bro Martin J Kirk
5 W Bro Christopher K Cooper
6 W Bro Peter L Bill
7 W Bro Philip J Rothera
8 Bro Stephen J Bateman
9 W Bro David R Cox
10 W Bro Alan P Mayle (C)
On the occasion of Clavis Lodge's country meeting in Witham, Essex as a compliment to the Worshipful Master, W.Bro Stephen A Waters. All the band are members of the Ancient Society of College Youths.