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Roland H. Cook centre left, on recent ringing outing in Leicestershire, this picture was taken on the 22nd June a few weeks ago when Roland let the band into the tower at Kings Norton and rang with them.  The outing was organised by John (ringer of the 5th tonight) centre right, who rang with Roland on many occasions in years gone by. R.I.P.

Roland H. Cook centre left, on recent ringing outing in Leicestershire, this picture was taken on the 22nd June a few weeks ago when Roland let the band into the tower at Kings Norton and rang with them. The outing was organised by John (ringer of the 5th tonight) centre right, who rang with Roland on many occasions in years gone by. R.I.P. (Image: Anthony D. Walker)

This photo is attached to the performance 1260 St Martin Bob Triples.