Search results

Found 80 performances that match your search criteria.

Saturday, 7 October 2023Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire1260 Plain Bob Doubles
Monday, 8 May 2023Willington (St Lawrence), BedfordshireGeneral Ringing
Tuesday, 12 January 2016Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Saturday, 21 February 2015Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire1320 Ipswich Surprise Minor
Sunday, 12 February 2012Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (14m)
Wednesday, 28 December 2005Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire1272 Spliced Surprise Minor (2 methods)
Saturday, 7 April 1990Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Monday, 20 June 1977Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire1260 Plain Bob Doubles
Saturday, 4 January 1975Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (4m)
Saturday, 6 December 1969Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 14 July 1962Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Oxford Treble Bob Minor
Thursday, 29 December 1960Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (11m)
Thursday, 29 September 1960Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Thursday, 22 September 1960Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 2 January 1960Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Thursday, 17 September 1959Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Bedford Delight Minor
Wednesday, 15 April 1959Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (10m)
Thursday, 24 July 1958Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Doubles (2m)
Saturday, 5 April 1958Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Wednesday, 19 March 1958Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (5m)
Friday, 31 January 1958Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (3m)
Thursday, 25 April 1957Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Wednesday, 27 February 1957Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (3m)
Thursday, 12 July 1956Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (2m)
Friday, 27 January 1956Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (3m)
Saturday, 30 April 1955Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Thursday, 15 July 1954Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Wednesday, 28 April 1954Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Thursday, 14 October 1948Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Thursday, 12 February 1948Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Thursday, 9 January 1947Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Friday, 13 September 1946Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Tuesday, 12 February 1946Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Thursday, 15 March 1945Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Tuesday, 18 October 1938Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Tuesday, 6 October 1936Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Plain Minor (3m)
Thursday, 21 September 1933Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Saturday, 27 February 1932Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 7 March 1931Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (5m)
Saturday, 26 October 1929Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Doubles (4m)
Saturday, 17 November 1928Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Treble Bob Minor (7m)
Saturday, 3 September 1927Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (6m)
Monday, 24 May 1926Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Treble Bob Minor (7m)
Saturday, 15 May 1926Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5760 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 3 October 1925Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 31 May 1924Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 14 October 1922Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (3m)
Saturday, 22 October 1921Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 5 March 1921Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 9 October 1920Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 29 November 1919Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 18 September 1915Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Saturday, 21 February 1914Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Surprise Minor (7m)
Monday, 28 March 1910Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Plain Bob Minor
Saturday, 7 March 1908Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Treble Bob Minor (7m)
Saturday, 2 November 1907Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 21 January 1905Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Monday, 24 October 1904Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (5m)
Saturday, 23 July 1904Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Tuesday, 15 March 1904Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Wednesday, 24 February 1904Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (2m)
Saturday, 16 January 1904Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 31 October 1903Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 26 September 1903Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 25 July 1903Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 28 March 1903Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 14 February 1903Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 22 November 1902Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 26 April 1902Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 22 February 1902Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 30 November 1901Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Thursday, 4 July 1901Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Doubles (2m)
Saturday, 16 February 1901Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 10 November 1900Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 3 June 1899Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 14 January 1899Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Monday, 5 September 1898Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Treble Bob Minor (7m)
Saturday, 30 July 1898Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Treble Bob Minor (7m)
Saturday, 9 July 1898Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)
Saturday, 4 June 1898Willington (St Lawrence), Bedfordshire5040 Minor (7m)


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