Search results

Found 8 performances that match your search criteria.

Friday, 8 December 2023Meopham (St John the Baptist), Kent5088 London Surprise Major
Saturday, 10 October 2009Meopham (St John the Baptist), Kent5086 Wedding Delight Major
Saturday, 17 April 2004Meopham (St John the Baptist), Kent5088 Uxbridge Surprise Major
Saturday, 20 March 2004Meopham (St John the Baptist), Kent5056 Plain Bob Major
Saturday, 28 December 2002Meopham (St John the Baptist), Kent5040 Grandsire Triples
Saturday, 20 April 1996Meopham (St John the Baptist), Kent5152 Plain Bob Major
Wednesday, 30 December 1992Meopham (St John the Baptist), Kent5184 Superlative Surprise Major
Monday, 12 April 1982Meopham (St John the Baptist), Kent5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major


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